What is #existinphotographs?
Social media is full of trending topics and “advise.” I mean, can you believe people lined up at 3am, or earlier, to get their hands on the limited edition Stanley X Target cup! I will admit, it is really cute, but something about not sleeping and the possibility of not grabbing one of those super cute pink cups, just isn’t my [large, Stanley] cup of tea…and if it is yours, hey, I’m not mad at you! You do you boo! I always say everyone has their “thing.”
So…what’s your thing?
My “thing” just happens to be my passion, in fact, on a normal night, my bedtime is usually 10:30pm, however, Texas School of Photography opened up enrollment at 11pm earlier this month, and there I was yawning and waiting up so I could register to learn under an amazing instructor. Everyone has their “thing.”
Exist in Photographs
Now that I’ve completely gone off on the longest tangent…where was I going here…oh yes, social media…and #existinphotographs…so what’s this mean anyway? To me, it’s existing in a portrait so my children have something to remember me by. It’s a custom piece of artwork, not just of my family or my littles, but actually with me in that photograph, because I am part of the family. As a photographer, I am ALWAYS behind the camera lens and it’s really easy for me to say, “I’ll take that picture, but sometimes, even I need to let the camera go and be IN FRONT of the lens for a change. Existing in photographs means my children will have a portrait to show to their friends and family and say, ‘this is my mom.’
There’s Never a Right Time
Trust me friend, there is never a right time to get your photos done. I think we get caught in this trap of perfection, finding the “perfect outfit”, having the “perfect” makeup, having the “perfect” body, but the truth is, if we continue to wait, time will run out, our little ones will get bigger, our features will change, and we’ll never get that time back. I challenge you to make 2024 the year you exist in photos, so your loved ones will have something to cherish and remember you by.
These are my most recent studio session of existing in photographs. We definitely took these well after Christmas, but when I look at them I am filled with so much joy and the memories of everyone being a photographer that day
If you’re ready to learn more about booking your portrait session, I’d love to meet speak to with you and determine your vision, wants and needs for existing in photographs and get your session booked.